Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Learning Entry Blog- Photoshop

I personally have never used Photoshop, prior to in class, but learning how to use it not only shows me what I can do with it, but I have a new-found respect for those who have mastered the art. It is interesting to see what all you can do with one computer program. I'm sure there are many different versions of it, but for the most part its just a computer program. There are many different aspect to photoshop and many different applications as well. It not only lets you alter one picture but you can take segments of many different pictures and add them together. It can completely change a picture or incorporate many pictures into one project that can either be very simple or quite intricate to catch the viewer eye.

This program can and probably is used in many different fields. Photoshop would be a very useful tool in my field of study, Sport Management, to advertise and generate attention for different venues and events. Plus as we learned in class for advertising different items together so the consumer can see it all in one picture/ glance. Sport Management involves many different aspects of the sports industry and having Photoshop as a tool would be very helpful and resourceful.

The following picture is from a website showing one of the many ways photoshop can be used. It shows that you can take a normal photo and convert it to a charcoal drawing.

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