Thursday, October 29, 2009

Learning Entry Blog- Social Bookmarking

Social bookmarking is a great tool that allows many people to collaborate on bookmarking important websites. These bookmarks can be organized with tags and given descriptions so anyone can see what will be found at a certain site. The tags help in the organization process by linking all the same tags together so it can be seen how many sites have the same tags. Social bookmarking allows the users to access the bookmarks from any computer, unlike traditional bookmarking it can only be seen on the computer that bookmarked it.

Social bookmarking can be advantages to the sport business/ management fields because you can share your web finds with people on the same event project as you to find ideas a resources. This tool eliminates the need to email the sites found to each person, you can just add them to the account and share with your colleagues. The tagging can also help people who may not be working on the same project to possibly find sites that may relate to their specific project or event by looking and finding tags that may relate.

Very similar to a popular social bookmarking tool Delicious, Diigo is a tool that has bookmarking capabilities but many other advantageous tools too. You can research, share, and collaborate. It allows you to bookmark and leave sticky notes about a website, highlight certain things as well as organize finds.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Learning Entry Blog- Blogging

Blogs are becoming more and more popular by many people everyday. I remember not even three years ago, I didn't know what a blog was; and now I have one! Blogs are defined by Wikipedia as "a type of website, usually maintained by an individual with regular entries of commentary, descriptions of events, or other material such as graphics or video." Blogs are used by all typed of people, from celebrities to pro football players and even to the everyday working class citizen. They are often times used to display videos that can often time entertain its viewers and even to explain and show a persons beliefs and values. There are many commercials with blogs mentioned in them about politics and even gaming. Viewers are many times able to comment on the different entries in the blogs, much like a picture on Facebook or an update on Twitter. Blogs are interactive and direct way to connect with people that you may not otherwise. It is a way to show your opinion, its a website that you maintain, its a website according to how you want it. Blogs are all about you, the creator and blogger.

Blogging can be very beneficial to a person in the sport management field. They can be used to depict what an event will consist of and get feedback from the participants and those who visit the blog! It can also be used to get different ideas about different event. If a different blog was created for each event those who visit the blog could comment with what they would like to see and/or have happen at the event. Many different aspects of all internet use can be applied to sport management considering it contributes about $240 million to the industry.

Below is a YouTube video by Common Craft: Blogs in Plain English. This shows what a blog is, how it works and what its good for. Its a very simplistic video that is in common language so it is easily understandable. Enjoy!

Below is a picture with works describing what a blog it used for. It has many words that are usually used when describing a blog. The picture is from a website called Click here to check out this blog first hand.

Garage Band Podcast/Song

Just a little creation on Garage Band! I just messed around and learned new things on it. I figure out how and what loops are and how to add more than one instrument at a time! It a very interesting and fun program. I never understood it until now. Podcasts and songs can be used in my field of sport management because if an event is advertised online it might be a way to draw future participate attention. Advertising is the largest aspect of sport management, because without it you can't get participant's attention and therefore won't have events. Overall sound can draw many in and can be a big contributer to advertisement.


EME2040 - Taylor Leffler

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Learning Entry Blog- Wikis

Wikis are a great way to organize trip and stay in touch with people. Essentially they allow any and all users to create and edit Web page content at their own leisure. Wikis are easily used by many people and are frequently used to post crosslinks between pages. According to the concept of " 'open editing' has some profound and subtle effects on Wiki usage. Allowing everyday users to create and edit any page in a Web site is exciting in that it encourages democratic use of the Web and promotes content composition by nontechnical users." There have been many advances to help users understand wikis including many YouTube videos that explain how to use them to people who are not technologically advanced. One of the most popular wikis is Wikipedia. This website is often times used for research, it can be edited by its users to deepen the amount of information.

This aspect of the world wide web can be greatly used in my field of study to link spectators and participants to important information and other sites. With the knowledge of wikis and the "Plain English" videos presented by Common Craft events can be run smoothly and everyone can receive great knowledge about the event(s). Sport Management is a field with many events and particants and spectators; making everything run smoothly is a "prized possession." Even if not used by participants and spectators wikis could help within organizations. Having a wikis within an organization would help the organization of the event so everyone knows what is going on at all times instead of just one person at a time, and also allows each user to edit and change the ideas.

The following is a video from YouTube, about a commonly used website to create wikis and what they are all about! The video is by common craft and is the same format as that of the "Plain English" videos. It shows you how to create your own wiki. ENJOY!!!!

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Digital Storytelling

I am very involved in the UF Women's club lacrosse team. This is a quick video of our trip to Atlanta to play in the SWLL ( Southeastern Women's Lacrosse League), we won the SWLL title; and our trip to Arizona for the WDIA National Championship, which we came in 4th place.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Learning Entry Blog- Photoshop

I personally have never used Photoshop, prior to in class, but learning how to use it not only shows me what I can do with it, but I have a new-found respect for those who have mastered the art. It is interesting to see what all you can do with one computer program. I'm sure there are many different versions of it, but for the most part its just a computer program. There are many different aspect to photoshop and many different applications as well. It not only lets you alter one picture but you can take segments of many different pictures and add them together. It can completely change a picture or incorporate many pictures into one project that can either be very simple or quite intricate to catch the viewer eye.

This program can and probably is used in many different fields. Photoshop would be a very useful tool in my field of study, Sport Management, to advertise and generate attention for different venues and events. Plus as we learned in class for advertising different items together so the consumer can see it all in one picture/ glance. Sport Management involves many different aspects of the sports industry and having Photoshop as a tool would be very helpful and resourceful.

The following picture is from a website showing one of the many ways photoshop can be used. It shows that you can take a normal photo and convert it to a charcoal drawing.